Resep Bahan Kue Kastengel
Cara membuat Kue Kastengel
- Margarine forvita 185 gram
- Roombutter 15 gram
- Tepung terigu protein rendah 250 – 300 gram, ayak
- Kuning telur 3 butir
- Keju tua (edam) 150 gram, parut
- Keju cheddar 75 gram, parut
- Kuning telur 2 butir, kocok, untuk olesan
Cara membuat Kue Kastengel
- Kocok margarine forvita dan roombutter hingga lembut.
- Masukkan kuning telur satu persatu sambil dikocok hingga rata.
- Tambahkan terigu sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk dengan sendok kayu hingga rata.
- Masukkan keju tua (edam), aduk kembali hingga rata.
- Masukkan adonan dalam plastic segitiga, potong ujungnya dengan diameter 1 cm.
- Semprotkan adonan memanjang, potong adonan dengan panjang 3 cm, rapikan. Letakkan adonan di atas loyang bersemir margarine forvita. Oles permukaan adonan dengan kuning telur dan tavuri keju cheddar.
- Panggang adonan dalam oven bersuhu 160°C hingga matang selama ±20 menit hingga matang. Angkat dan biarkan dingin.
- Kastengel Cake Recipe Ingredients
Forvita margarine 185 grams
Roombutter 15 grams
Low protein flour 250-300 g, sifted
Egg yolks 3 eggs
Old cheese (edam) 150 grams, grated
75 grams of cheddar cheese, grated
Egg yolks 2 eggs, beaten, to spread
How to make Cake Kastengel
Beat margarine and roombutter forvita until smooth.
Enter the egg yolks one at a time as she whipped until blended.
Add the flour little by little while stirring with a wooden spoon until blended.
Enter the old cheese (edam), stir again until blended.
Insert the dough in the plastic triangle, cut edges with a diameter of 1 cm.
Spray the dough lengthwise, cut the dough with a length of 3 cm, trim. Place the dough on a baking sheet forvita bersemir margarine. Rub the surface of the dough with the egg yolk and tavuri cheddar cheese.
Bake the dough in a preheated oven at 160 ° C until cooked for ± 20 minutes until cooked. Remove and let cool.
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